Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Toothpaste 101: Pick the Right Toothpaste for Your Oral Health

Toothpaste is important to oral health because it helps remove plaque and bacterial build-up on teeth and fight periodontal (gum) disease. Most toothpastes also contain fluoride, which strengthens tooth enamel and fights cavities. How do you know what toothpastes suit you the most? Let's find out. 


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Expecting? 5 Tips for Dental Care During Pregnancy

dental tips during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it’s more important than ever to be a diligent brusher and flosser. Why? Because those crazy pregnancy hormones leave your mouth more vulnerable to bacteria and plaque, both of which can make your already sensitive gums (thanks again, hormones!) even more tender.

Here are more smart dental strategies to think about every day during pregnancy.

1. Brush your tongue as well as your teeth to minimize the amount of bacteria in your mouth.

2. Skip the sweets, especially when you won’t be able to brush your teeth soon after indulging.

3. Make sure you get plenty of vitamin C in your diet, which strengthens gums and reduces the chances of bleeding.

4. Consume plenty of calcium to keep your teeth (and your bones) strong.

5.Can’t brush after a meal? Try chewing a piece of sugarless gum or grabbing a handful of nuts (unless you’re allergic) or a small chunk of cheese. All have antibacterial properties.