Thursday, June 5, 2014

Let’s Talk about Fluoride!

Nearly all naturally occurring water sources contain fluoride - a compound that has been proven to prevent, and even reverse, tooth decay. 

Cavities are caused by certain bacteria in the mouth. When a person eats sugar and other refined carbohydrates, these bacteria produce acid that removes minerals from the surface of the tooth. Fluoride helps to re-mineralize tooth surfaces and prevents cavities from continuing to form.

There are many benefits of fluoride for almost every patient.  Here are some of our favorites:

· Fluoride strengthens teeth and reduces cavities.  It is effective systemically and topically.
· Community water fluoridation is the single most effective public health measure to prevent cavities, and is the most efficient to prevent one of the most common childhood diseases -  dental decay. (5 times more common than asthma and 7 times more common than hay fever in 5 - 17 year olds.)

· Simply by drinking tap water, people can benefit from cavity protection whether they are at home, work or school.  And it’s cheaper than buying bottled water.

· Dry mouth syndrome, caused by many medications, decreases the amount of saliva produced and can make an individual more prone to cavities.

· As people age, manual dexterity often times does not allow for optimal brushing habits and their sense of taste craves more sweet, sugary foods, which in turn produces more cavity-causing bacteria.

· If there is patient history of frequent cavities, this is a big help!

We offer several types of fluoride treatments.  Our preferences are fluoride varnish, applied after your regular hygiene appointment, MI Paste Plus, a take-home fluoride product that re-mineralizes teeth or we offer different prescription-strength fluoride toothpastes.  Ask for them at your next visit!  

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